BNB Diamond – Aims and Guide to Buy
BNB Diamond (BNBD) is one of the new promising coins. People are expecting sharp increase in price as soon as coin shows on crypto market. There are also on-going projects like mobile application , NFT marketing , diamond wallet. If devs can hold these promises . as holders say , it can reach to moon. This is type of buy and forget coin. Isn’t all top coins started like this.
How to buy BNB Diamond (BNBD)?
There are several ways for sure. But I will explain the one I know.
- Get trust wallet application to your phone. It is available on play store. Once you start trust wallet app it will give you some keywords. Don’t forget to save your random keywords. Otherwise , you can lose your wallet.
- Buy cryptomoney from somewhere . I used and bought Chain Link.
- You need to transfer your money to trust wallet. So enter to application press on Smart Chain. If it didnt show up on your e-wallet , press on icon on top right and find it. Press to copy option. It will copy your wallet code. Enter it to binance and proceed. As soon as money shows up on your wallet go to step 4.
- Use DApps tab on your wallet. Then choose pancakeswap (dont use v1).
Use these tabs trade ->exchange . Choose smart chain ( or whatever you bought) for from part . You need to select currency for “To” part.
Once you press to select currecy you need to enter this code 0x3c730718c97a77562866b5d29b33228c019eac68
to search part. Without this code you can’t find it in list. (check first image below) - Last step before swap change slippage to %12. (check second image). Finally press to swap.

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